Bye bye everyone! Not for always, just for abouth 2 weeks ;)
I will post as normal, when i'm home again!
Take care...
fredag den 22. juli 2011
Pictures from Grøn koncert
Backstage at Grøn Koncert
Here is an article from HAVE Backstage :) They have been with Dúné backstage at Grøn Koncert!
It's on danish, but there is also a lot of cool backstage-pictures, so take a look even if you can't read danish! ;)
Read the article after the cut!!!
Or here:

Via Dúné support
It's on danish, but there is also a lot of cool backstage-pictures, so take a look even if you can't read danish! ;)
Read the article after the cut!!!
Or here:

Via Dúné support
Grøn Koncert,
Have backstage
onsdag den 20. juli 2011
Dúné at Roskilde Katedralskole
Here's a video from Roskilde Katerdralskole, where Dúné played some time ago..
Annasaid feat. Dúné - Time to leave
The band Annasaid have made a new version of "Time to leave" with Mattias :)
I think it's good, but i still like the original is better! Much better!
Via Dúné support
mandag den 18. juli 2011
Pictures from Grøn koncert - Århus
søndag den 17. juli 2011
Grøn koncert Review (Esbjerg)
lørdag den 16. juli 2011
Dúné unplugged
I saw these videoes lon time ago, but I don't think I have shown them to you guys :)
It's Simon and Mattias who are playing an unplugged show in Rønde in 2010 :)
Really like these versions of the songs! Especially Bloodlines!
It's Simon and Mattias who are playing an unplugged show in Rønde in 2010 :)
Really like these versions of the songs! Especially Bloodlines!
Win signed Dúné-poster
"Dúné Support" is lucky to have some signed Dúné posters and you can win one!!!
>>Here we go again!
Do you want the newest poster with signs from the boys? Find your creativity and show us how much you love them. - Make a video, take a picture, write a song... You decide (:
We will find 5 winners and the winning products will be uploaded here on Dúné Support.
Send your work to:
- You have until 13th August, 11.59 pm. 1, 2, 3, Ready? GO!!!<<
I think i will send something in :)
Dúné support's (facebook) site : facebook/dunesupport
>>Here we go again!
Do you want the newest poster with signs from the boys? Find your creativity and show us how much you love them. - Make a video, take a picture, write a song... You decide (:
We will find 5 winners and the winning products will be uploaded here on Dúné Support.
Send your work to:
- You have until 13th August, 11.59 pm. 1, 2, 3, Ready? GO!!!<<
I think i will send something in :)
Dúné support's (facebook) site : facebook/dunesupport
fredag den 15. juli 2011
Pictures from Grøn koncert - Esbjerg
onsdag den 13. juli 2011
tirsdag den 12. juli 2011
Pictures from Nibe
More pictures at
Grøn koncert interview
Grøn Koncert-nedtælling: Dúné
Glem fortid og fremtid – lev i nuet

– Grøn Koncert er nok den festival-tour, vi har set mest frem til nogensinde, lyder det fra Mattias Kolstrup fra Dúné, der er med musikkaravanen rundt denne sommer:
– At få lov at spille sammen med en masse fede artister i et fast lineup over hele det lille kongerige foran en masse feststemte mennesker bliver sgu da sjovt! Vi skal bare sætte gang i folks fødder fra tidligt på dagen og så ud og nyde solen og baren backstage.
Hvordan tror I, det danske sommer publikum tager imod jeres hårdtpumpede og følelsesladede elektro-rock?
– De fleste tror jo stadig, vi er 15 eller sådan noget, så de bliver nok i første omgang overraskede over at se, at flere af bandmedlemmerne har skæg, haha! Når det første chok har lagt sig, håber vi da, at de vil lade sig rive med i de 30 minutter, vi har fået tildelt. Det handler alt sammen om at glemme fortid og fremtid og at leve i nuet i stedet for.
Click "læs mere" to read the full interview!
New blog from Mattias
There's a new blog from Mattias at :)
You can also read it after the cut ;)
And i would like to say sorry again, for not posting before today, but i havn't been home...
Afterparty - Dúné Dj set
It's an afterparty for "Grøn koncert" and you have to be 18 ;)
Read more about it HERE!
Read more about it HERE!
OH MY - "Kicking and Screaming" from bobafettich on Vimeo.
Ole is in the musicvideo for the band Oh My's song "Kicking and Screaming"
Watch it if you want to see Ole with no shirt on ;)
Via "Dúné Support"
Mogens Jensen want Dúné to play at Orange Scene
The danish politician Mogens Jensen (Socialdemokraterne) would like to see Dúné play at Orange Scene to the Roskilde festival! I would love that too! It could be the most awesome concert ever!
>>Kristian Dam Nygaard: “Hvis der var frit valg på alle hylder, hvem ville du så gerne se spille på Orange scene under Roskilde Festival?”
Mogens Jensen: “En af de mest fantastiske koncertoplevelser jeg har haft er uovertruffent med The Boss – Bruce Springsteen. Ufatteligt hvordan han fastholder tempoet, stemningen og publikum i 3 timer uden pause. Og så har han oven i købet gode holdninger. Ham ville jeg gerne opleve på Orange Scene – men et dansk band i en helt anden boldgade – Dúné – ville jeg også gerne give chancen.” <<
Read the full interview here:
Via "Dúné fans" (facebook group)
onsdag den 6. juli 2011
Interview from Nibe Festival (on danish)
Dúné in the new Mads Langer video
You can see the boys around 1.52 ;)
Hello everyone :)
I have been on holiday, so that's why i havn't posted anything ;)
I forgot to tell you this, so i'm very sorry!
There's a lot to catch up on and i'm on my way to do it right now!!!
I have been on holiday, so that's why i havn't posted anything ;)
I forgot to tell you this, so i'm very sorry!
There's a lot to catch up on and i'm on my way to do it right now!!!
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