mandag den 25. oktober 2010

The story about Valentina

We know and love the 2 songs Go go Valentina and Heiress of valentina but who is Valentina and what is the story behind?

Valentina is an Eastern European prostitute and she is sold via sex-trafficing to a Western country. The history also draws attention to the psychopathic sex trade and the people who exploits these women (both the people who stands back it and the customers)
Go go Valentina describes the girl Valentina who like many other women from for example Vesterbro in Copenhagen and Oranienburgerstrasse in Berlin, stands in hours and just waiting to be picked up. She is trapped in the dependency of the people who exploit her, and she has no hope of getting away.

Heiress of valentina is a more posetive song. It's about Valentina's daughter who is loved by everyone and has the opportunity to have a good life which her Mother didn't have. She just have to take the chance and throw herself into it.

Hope you could understand my english ;)

Read it on Danish after the cut

Picture from the Heiress of valentina video made by Jeppe Kolstrup

Valentina er en østeuropæisk prostitueret, solgt via sex-trafficing til et ikke nærmere bestemt vestligt land. Historien er en pegefinger rettet mod den psykopatiske sexhandel og de samvittighedsløse mennesker, der udnytter disse kvinder (om det så er bagmænd eller kunder). "Go Go Valentina" (fra debutalbummet "We Are In There, You Are Out Here", red.) beskriver pigen Valentina, der som mange af kvinderne på f.eks. Vesterbro i København og Oranienburgerstrasse i Berlin står mange timer og blot venter på at blive samlet op. Hun er fanget i total afhængighed af de mennesker, der udnytter hende, og hun har intet håb om at komme væk.

"Heiress Of Valentina" (fra "Enter Metropolis", red.) er en langt mere positiv sang. Den omhandler Valentinas datter, der er elsket af alle og i modsætning til sin mor har muligheden for at få et godt liv, hvis hun vel at mærke tør at gribe chancen og kaste sig ud i det

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