mandag den 23. juli 2012

Essen Original

Great news for german fans. Dúné wil play at Essen Original on September 1st.

More info on and HERE!

søndag den 22. juli 2012

Interview from Nibe festival

A bit late, but I just forgot it. Sorry.
But here it is! They talk about their concert at Nibe festival.

(In danish)

Via Dúné support

fredag den 20. juli 2012

Dúné in the studio

Here are some pictures with Dúné in the studio. They are all from their facebookpage and there you can also read a small text to every picture.



torsdag den 19. juli 2012

The sun over green hills

Here's a sneakpeek of one of a new Dúné song called "The sun over green hills"
What do you think about it? I really like it!

(Video from Dunesupport)

onsdag den 18. juli 2012

TV-interview with Mattias

Tv midt-vest made an interview with Mattias back in 2011. It's a program called "Vis mig dit liv" ("Show me your life) and Mattias has some of his personal stuff with him and then tells a bit about them. A very good interview where you get to know much about him. He also talks a bit about Cille's exit and his feelings about it, something I hadn't really heard before. So check it out if you havn't already.

(In danish) - If you want, I can make a short translation to some of the video. Let me know if you are interested by leaving a comment.

tirsdag den 17. juli 2012

Pictures from Nibe festival

Here are som pictures from this years Nibe festival, all by Poul Rasmussen.


Small Mattias interview

Here's a small interview with Mattias from It's on danish, but I made a quick translation to english.

Read the interview after the cut.

20 skud fra hoften: Mattias Kolstrup

mandag den 16. juli 2012

Funny outfit

Just made this picture. Is it funny?
If you have any ideas to picture like this, send me a mail to

Matt's magic monday

Another blog. This time from Mattias.

Read it after the cut or at

I'm really looking forward to the new album, can't wail anymore. I mean months? Why couldn't it just be days?

Blog from Piotrek

Blog from Piotrek about summer. Nice reading in this wonderfull sommer weather (ironic, it's raining all the time)

Read it after the cut or at

Streams from Dansylvania

I'm back again after my vacation.

Read Dannys blog after the cut or at I really like this one!