mandag den 30. maj 2011

When Dúné reach 50.000 fans on Facebook...

>>We want to announce that, once we reach 50.000 fans on Facebook, Ole Bjón will perform the encore at our next show in Speedos and a tie.

You can be sure to see pictures and video of it HERE!

So please: reach out to your friends and family and help us reach that number!!<<


Just the idea make me laugh! So tell this to everybody you know, so we can see this! It would be so freaking amazing to see Ole perform in that outfit!

Review from XQ28

Here is a review from xq28 for the concert in Jelling! (on danish)
They only got 3 stars...

Read it after the cut!


Pictures from Jelling

Here are some pictures from Jelling! See more pictures after the cut...

The jumpsuits they wear, were given to them by some locals at the festival.




new picture

Not sure where this is from...

Tækker vlog

Don't think i have posted this before...

It's a vido Dúné made for Tækker (they rent apartments by Tækker!)

A Day in the Life of Dúné in Berlin from Tækker Group on Vimeo.

New blog from Danny :)

Read the new blog from Danny at dunesite or after the cut!

søndag den 29. maj 2011

We Are In There You Are Out Here" turn 4 years!

>> Today our debut album "We Are In There You Are Out Here" turn 4 years! Congratulations "We Are In There...." and thanks for all the good times you've brought us through the years! <<


To celebrate that , here are my top 4-songs (because it's 4 years) from "We Are In There You Are Out Here"!


musicvideo HERE!



musicvideo  HERE!


How is your top 4 ?

fredag den 27. maj 2011

Where's Wally? - Dúné special!

Forgot to give you the answer... But here it is :D

Click for bigger :)

Did you find them all?

HQ Diary 3

And then they were 5...

Wuhu they will play a new song for us this summer and it's called "All that i have"!
Can't wait to hear it! What do you think it's about?


søndag den 22. maj 2011

New blog from Mattias ... Now with a broken foot!

Mattias broke his foot during a private gig in Copenhagen... well done :D

Read his blog about it here:

2 pictures from Mattias' Twitter



Hope you're ready to dance and jump again soon ;)

lørdag den 21. maj 2011

Articles about Maltes exit

Dúné mister trommeslager

Dúné mister endnu et medlem. Trommeslager Malte Aarup-Sørensen forlader gruppen. »No juicy details«, udtaler bandet. Få de ikke-juicy detaljer her. 
10 år har Dúné spillet sammen, men nu slutter eventyret for trommeslager Malte Aarup-Sørensen. Eller som man siger: Et nyt begynder. I november valgte gruppens eneste pige, Cecilie Dyrberg, at gå egne veje, og med Maltes udtræden bliver Dúné altså til en kvintet.

»Der vil helt sikkert være folk, der spørger efter juicy detaljer om, hvorfor dette er sket, men de findes bare ikke«, udtaler keyboardspiller Ole Bjørn. »Vi bevægede os bare i forskellige retninger rent musikalsk«, fortsætter han.

Malte selv fortæller: »Jeg vil savne at være en del af bandet, men jeg vil gerne understrege, at dette ikke er enden på min musikalske karriere«.

Bandet har hyret en trommeslager til sommerens forestående jobs, så tabet af Malte kommer ikke til at gå ud over kommende koncerter. »I må hellere forberede jer – vi kommer til en by tæt på dig, og så skal der FESTES!«, afrunder forsanger Mattias Kolstrup opløftende pressemeddelelsen på bandets website.

God vind, Malte. Vi ser frem til flere onde trommeslag fra dig i fremtiden.


Not really anything new. Just the same as the press release

Another article after the cut!

Malte is not a part of Dúné anymore...

Sorry for not posting this before now...

Yep now Dúné are without Malte (drummer)!
This is so sad... First Cille now Malte!

But keep your heads up guys! Dúné are still going strong and will play some amazing concerts this summer!!!

Read the press release at or after the cut!


mandag den 16. maj 2011

Tiësto-remix of Heiress of Valentina

Normal i'm not that into Tiëstos music or that kind of music, but when Dúné are involved it's definitely worth listening to ;)

Small article about it here:

What do you think about it?

tirsdag den 3. maj 2011

Find Waly - Dúné special!

You probably know "Find Wally" (Find Holger)
I made a Dúné special!

Here's a normel "Find Wally" picture, but besides Holger, there's also the members of Dúné!
Can you find them all 6 ? :)

Good luck!

Click for bigger ;)

Next week i will give you the answer!

søndag den 1. maj 2011

Question of the day!

Are you going to see Dúné this summer?
Where and when?

Hopefully I can go and see them to "Grøn Koncert" :)

Grøn Koncert press release

On the P3 stage you will find six young people from Skive. The last name to be announced is Dùné, whove never played the Green Concert before. They describe themselves as a sextet who have never been more hungry than now. Even though they are a debuting Green Concert act they are not completely junior any more.

"We just celebrated our 10-year-anniversary March 22, but we feel like we just started!”
The expectations from the six members is mildly speaking huge:
It's probably the one festival tour we have look the most forward to ever. To travel and play along so many great acts in the same line-up and in front of so many people all over our little kingdom that's gonna be a lot of fun!”

With Dúnés latest releases being the album Enter Metropolis from 2009 and the EP Leaving Metropolis” from 2010 the band can't exclude that they'll be playing some new material doing the summer.