søndag den 26. juni 2011

All that I have (Kløften 2011)

I really like this song :) The new album is going to be AWESOME!

/Video by AnnikaMathiassen (more videoes from Kløften there)

lørdag den 25. juni 2011

Go go Valentina - Live at Skrive festival

/Video by Zigma123

New blog from Ole

Guess what :D There's a new blog at dunesite.com :)

It's from Ole and i totally agree with him! It's so stupid! Im sure you're confused now, so go read it...!

You can also read it here after the cut ;)

tirsdag den 21. juni 2011

New blog from Simon

New blog again again :)

It's from Simon! Read it here after the cut or at dunesite.com

mandag den 20. juni 2011

New blog from Mattias

Another new blog! This time from Mattias :)

Ass always - It's worth reading!

Read it at dunesite.com or after the cut!

I would love to hear the song about Simons cat! Haha...

fredag den 17. juni 2011

BT video

There's a new video from BT again. It's still from the Grøn koncert press meeting and this time people are talking about who drinks the most! Many think it's Dúné :D

To watch CLICK HERE!

New blog from Piotrek

There all in blog mood these days :D
But it's fine with me, I love reading them!

This time it's a blog written by Piotrek. It's about saying goodbye to an ol "friend".

Read it at dunesite.com or after the cut!

tirsdag den 14. juni 2011

Review from Skive by Soundtape

Read the review from Dúnés performance at Skive festival after the cut!

New pictures

 Click for bigger!

They're from the Grøn koncert press meeting!

New blog from Danny :)

New blog from Danny at dunesite.com! You can also read it after the cut :)

It's called Tattos, Photos, Songs & Cape!

Dannys new tatoo! What do you think about it?

I like it a lot! Very cool...

søndag den 12. juni 2011

New blog from Ole at dunesite.com!
You can also read it here, just click "læs mere"

It's worth reading!

lørdag den 11. juni 2011

Ole explains what happened in Skive

See the video HERE!

It's on danish. They don't say that much about it, but Ole tells that nobody hit anyone!

Dúné loves danish girls!

Video from BT where Dúné and the other "Grøn koncert/grenn concert" artists talks about where the most beautiful girls come from...

To see the video CLICK HERE!

Ole and Mattias knows how to charm the danish girls...

torsdag den 9. juni 2011

small article/review about "Hede rytmer"

Finalebrag på Hede Rytmer: Udeholdet vandt over Alphabeat

HEDE RYTMER: Mens Danmark vandt EM-kvalifikationskampen på udebane på Island, så måtte hjemmebanefavoritten, Alphabeat, se sig slået ved lørdagens store finalebrag på Hede Rytmer.
Dúné, der lukkede Nordea Scenen, inden Alphabeat lukkede det store SIF Scene og Hede Rytmer 2011, var nemlig i en klasse for sig.

De unge Skive-drenge, der for et par dage siden blev sparket ud fra Skive Festivalen, var fra første strofe sprængfyldt med energi.

Selv om forsanger Mattias Kolstrup har brækket benet, tæskede han rundt på scenen som en glad gal hund.
Han fik med det samme publikum med, og der er ingen tvivl: Silkeborg elsker Dúné, der udstrålede mere energi end et Japansk atomkraftværk.

Det ville altid være svært at komme efter sådan en energiudladning.

Det hjalp heller ikke Alphabeat, at der fra koncertens start var problemer med lyden.

Alphabeat var som nævnt på hjemmebane, og hjemmebanepublikummet tog godt imod

Men efter at have set Mattias Kolstrup vælte rundt på scenen i en sand glædesrus, var det som om, at Alphabeat aldrig rigtig kom ud over scenekanten med deres ellers fremragende popmusik.


Grøn koncert (Green concert) meeting

On June 8 all the Green Concert Artists met at the Orangery in the Royal Gardens to wish each other a good tour. The press was allowed to greet.
All artists are looking forward to kick ass on the Green Concert 2011!

Mattias and Piotrek are talking at 1.46!

onsdag den 8. juni 2011

New pictures


All that i want

Dúné playing their new song "All that i want"
the video is freom Skive festival!

I love it ! What do you think about it?

via Duné Fans

New blog from Simon

There´s a new blog from Simon :)
Read it after the cut or at dunesite.com

Skive incident statement

Forget what you have seen or heard and read the true story...

Dear all,
it has come to our attention, that we are being slandered in the Danish press about an incident that supposedly involved the band.
While not wanting to go into detail, all we can say is, that the only band member that was present during the incident was Ole Bjórn and that he only acted in his own defense.
At no moment did any of the band members get involved in an act of aggression or active force nor did any member, but Ole get kicked out from the festival.
We strongly regret that we were not allowed to comment on this incident before it went to press.
However, this is what happened.

Anyone that's ever seen us knows that we stand for everything, but violence and aggression. In fact, we disdain it.


And btw. I know i said i would be back monday, so sorry for not posting before today!

onsdag den 1. juni 2011


Hey all :)

I will be gone for 4 days, so I can't post anything before monday!

Take care!