mandag den 26. marts 2012

Ole's messy mixtape

It's monday again = new blog, this time from Ole :)

Read it after the cut or at

/picture by Mattias

Btw, do you like the blogs new picture/header or what it's called?

tirsdag den 20. marts 2012

Nokia film

I got an e-mail from Nokia (because of a misunderstanding - I think they thought, that this were Dúnés own website) about a online film for their company, where they would like to use Dúnés EP "Echoes of december." 

Here is their description of it:

>>We've just completed shooting a small online film for Nokia, and your EP Echoes of December came pre-loaded on one of the Nokia devices we were filming.

We filmed the screen of the phone playing your EP, and we we're wondering if we could get something in writing from you guys just saying you are happy for us to use this shot in the film.<<
So keep an eye on that and let me know if you see this video!
I sent the mail to Dúné, but Nokia have also been in touch with them :)

Matt's Magic Monday

A new blog from Mattias about his day in Leipzig with Ole & Danny :)

Read it after the cut or at

lørdag den 17. marts 2012


Here are the dates (so far) for the festivals Dúné are going to play on this summer!

Thu, 2012-06-07 Haze over Haarum
Fri, 2012-06-08 Nord-Als Musikfestival    
Sun, 2012-06-17 Northside Festival
Thu, 2012-07-05 Nibe Festival
Sat, 2012-07-21 Samsø Festival
Sat, 2012-08-25           Madsby Rock

Are you going? And where?

/program from

Streams from Dansylvania

Just saw that i hadn't posted this... Sorry

Streams From Dansylvania e02 from Dúné Official on Vimeo.

fredag den 9. marts 2012

Kony 2012

This has nothing to do with Dúné, but watch it anyway! :)