onsdag den 25. april 2012

Guess who: shoe edition

Here are 4 pairs of shoe. Can you guess who the different pair of shoes belongs to?

A                                                     B

C                                                         D

See the answers after the cut!

Matt's magic Monday

Read it after the cut :)

mandag den 23. april 2012

Meet a Dúné fan: Michala

This time you can meet Michala from Denmark who is a HUGE Dúné fan. She has for example interviewed Mattias and has performed with 80 years!

Read all her answers after the cut!!!
And remember, if you want to be the next, just send a mail to dunerocks@hotmail.dk with your answers and maybe a picture!
Read more HERE!!!

And a big thank to Michala - you're a really cool fan!

Bork Havnefestival

Dúné will play on Bork Havnefestival this year!

More info here: borkhavnmusikfestival.dk

onsdag den 18. april 2012

Dúné playing on Christiania

Dúné will be playing on Christiania as a part of Café Nemolands Summer concert!

The band Ullige Numre will also play.

And it's all free :)!!!!

Go to nemoland.dk for more info!

tirsdag den 17. april 2012


Hello everyone :)

I've got a good idea! Wouldn't it be fun to read about other Dúné fans? That's why i want to do this new thing on the blog: MEET A DÙNÈ FAN. If you want to be on the blog and tell about you as a Dúné fan, this is you're chance :)
I would be SO happy if you would like to do it!
You just have to send be a mail, where you answer the following questions and maybe attach a picture (You don't HAVE to do that.)

1. When and how did you discover Dúné?
2. Which song was the first you heard?
3. How many Dúné concerts (maybe festivals?) have you been to? (Where and which year?)
4. Do you have Dúné merchandise? (What kind)
5. Do you have a favourite member? (give a reason)
6. Favourite song, album and musicvideo? (give a reason)(you can also make a top 3 or something)
7. Do you have a good experience with Dúné, one og their songs or..? (explain)
8. How big a fan are you? (explain)
9. What do you think about Cille, Malte and Simon leaving the band? Are Dúné still as good, do they miss something now or what are your thoughts about it?
10. Why are you a Dúné fan?
11. Are there any other bands you can recommend to us Dúné fans?
12. Are there anything else? A funny story or just something else you want to tell?

-Remember you write your name, age and country in the mail!!!

-Write in english if you can, but dansih is also okay. You can also write in german, but then i will not promise that the translation is 100% right!


If you can't answer all the questions it's okay :) I'm looking forward to hear from you!


 This time a video from Piotrek's skiing vacation :)

read and see the video after the cut or at dunesite.com

torsdag den 12. april 2012

True or false?

Here are some facts about Dúné, are they true or false?

1. Dúné was first called "Robot Rock" but decided to change it.

2. All members of the group went to Skivie Gymnasium.

3. Mattias' older brother, Johan, has played bass in the band.

4. Dúné has played on Roskilde Festival.

5. They have also played on Glastonbury Festival.

See the answers after the cut! How many did you get right?


Piotrek's Perfect Poniedzialek, Vol. 5 (Teaser) from Dúné Official on Vimeo.


søndag den 1. april 2012

O!BEAR & Pjot$wäg - 'MotherFuckin' Ginious' Feat. Matt Kolstrup

Dúné's new side project...

Hahahahaha :D I love O!BEAR & Pjot$wäg! What do you think about it? Is it funny, wierd, to much or? I think it's very funny!

Like O!BEAR & Pjot$wäg's facebook page HERE!

And read a press release at dunesite.com

By the way, remember it's april 1 today ;)