I just saw this interview with Mattias, Ole and Simon again and yes i did laugh a lot! I always see this if i'm down, because it always make me happy again!
It's in danish but i can tell you what it is about ;)
First Mattias says that they have compared each other with books and Ole is the Old Testament. Big and filled with shit. And Danny is a Pixi-book. Because he is small and very unintelligent.
Then they talk about that they also have compared each other with cakes. And Ole tells that it's always Mattias there starts with the comparings. So he is always a good thing and then he (Ole) become a truffle (don't know if that's what you call it on english, but it's a cake made of remnants from other cakes) But he says he is a truffle, all good from the floor :D And Mattias add "It's sickly, but people buy it anyway! And then they starts too laugh SO much! Then Mattias says that he think he is a homemade syrup cake, delicious all the way through. More laugh...Then they talk about which cake Danny and "Guffe" (Simon) are. Danny is a Dan-cake. Cheap and unhealthy but very popular!
it's Tjeck who made the interview and if you check their youtube-channel out you can see more clips from the interview! youtube.com/TJECKMagazine